[thelist] tuning MySQL

jason.handby jason.handby at corestar.co.uk
Tue Nov 28 14:01:24 CST 2006

Hi Matt,

> This week at work we just got a new MySQL DB server because 
> the our old one was fading fast. So, I started to moved some 
> of the traffic over to it and its a Xeon 2.4ghz with 2GB RAM. 
> I would think it would hold up pretty well as just a DB 
> server, but after a few hours of use it started to kack.
> After 2.5 hours with about 20k of queries 11k of them failed 
> according to phpMyAdmin.
> So I'm asking what can I do to optimize this? I have primary 
> keys and the scripts that are connecting to it are only doing 
> 1-2 SELECT's and 1 UPDATE I increased max_connections, and 
> query_cache_size but it just isn't doing it. I'm just not 
> sure where to begin to look for bottle necks. Any suggestions?

Could this be relevant?



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