[thelist] MySQL data to corp. sites

Hassan Schroeder hassan.schroeder at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 10:58:53 CST 2007

On 1/3/07, Ken Moore <psm2713 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I have got a MySQL database that receives information from different sites.
> My clients work for 4 or 5 different financial corporations and need to
> upload some of the data to the main office. They all have web sites that
> they can use but do not want to enter it manually.

This is painfully vague --

How does your DB "receive information" currently?

This "data" has to get into the computer somehow, so if it's not being
entered "manually", where's it coming from?

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroeder at gmail.com

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