[thelist] Thumnail generator

Michele Foster foster.michele at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 07:53:14 CST 2007

Hi all,

I'm looking for solutions that will allow creation of thumbnails of web site
screenshots on the fly (similar to Alexa).  I've been doing some googling
and found a couple of possibilities, but nothing that I really like yet.

It can be in ASP (no components), PHP or CF.  Or even something that I can
use locally, if that's what produces the best results.  (I might end up
generating them locally, http://www.websitescreenshots.com/)

I'll keep searching, but thought there might be some info here.  (I don't
want to use Alexa's images, as anytime I've seen a screenshot of one of my
sites that it has done, it's not complete.)
Michele Foster
Work - http://wizardev.ca/
Play - http://mishka.ca/
Fun - http://isitbeertimeyet.ca/

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