[thelist] Synchronizing Internet Explorer

Chris Price chris.price at choctaw.co.uk
Fri Oct 5 02:07:15 CDT 2007

Conyers, Dwayne wrote:
> One alternative to using the Synch function in IE is to build a version
> of the web site on CD and launch it from the CD.
> Nes pas?
That is certainly an option but it means keeping that version up to 
date. The beauty of the IE function is that you know you have an up to 
date version at any time.

I find its generally best to allow the customer to use what they're 
familiar with or, at least, have at hand which is why I'd rather 
accommodate IE putting the burden on me rather than the customer.

Kind Regards
Chris Price


chris.price at choctaw.co.uk

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