[thelist] spam assassin / box trapper spam trap

Bob Meetin - www.dottedi.biz bobm at dottedi.biz
Sun Oct 7 11:57:39 CDT 2007

cPanel of several of the sites I own comes with spam assassin and cox 
trapper spam trap.  I have been trying to get the box trapper spam trap 
to accept wildcard so that I don't need to add the 8000 or so members on 
this and similar lists to the accept list.  Can someone who has this 
working send some example syntax of how it should look using any of:

Subject: [thelist]
To: evolt <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
Reply to: <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
Sender: thelist-bounces at lists.evolt.org

from the email header.

Somewhat related question - with a previous hosting service I used a 
spam filtering service called 'email defense'.  Basically, to make it 
work you have to alter the MX records at the hosting site to make email 
go through the service, then provide the service the destination mail 
server, such as mail.whatever.com (example - mail.dottedi.biz), and 
email defense sends cleansed email there. It cost a few dollars for the 
service, but it works fantastic. 

At the new hosting company, I have run into trouble.  They said 
something like, "we do not support this type of email filtering because 
cpanel is not designed for it. Also, This type of email bouncing would 
cause your account to hit the max emails per hour fairly quickly. The 
issue is that cpanel servers are setup to not allow relay and that we 
would have to use a lot of custom modification to even get it to work 
and even then we would not be able to troubleshoot or provide any 
support to for it."

This is actually why I may be forced into using box trapper spam trap.

Thx, Bob

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