[thelist] denormalizing a result set in dreamweaver

r937 rudy at r937.com
Thu Feb 7 19:06:54 CST 2008

> First of all, why don't you just create the proper SQL and add it
> to the code or are you concerned that DW would try to play with it.

sorry, i don't know what you mean

my sql ~is~ proper, and produces a perfectly good one-to-many result set --

>    foo  aa 9
>    foo  bb 3
>    foo  cc 7
>    bar  xx 4
>    qux  mm 5
>    qux  nn 7
>    qux  oo 8

i'm not sure i know what you mean by "add it to the code"

what dreamweaver should be doing (in my opinion) is to extract all the rows
for a given thingy (e.g. foo) and be able to handle the multiples values 
(e.g. aa, bb, cc -- and their corresponding totals) correctly

as opposed to forcing the result set to look like this (which is terribly
difficult) --

>    foo  aa 9  bb 3  cc 7
>    bar  xx 4
>    qux  mm 5  nn 7  oo 8


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