[thelist] Setting up Apache on Mac OS X 10.5.2

Jeffrey Barke jeffrey.barke at themechanism.com
Fri May 9 19:33:16 CDT 2008

> First, apachectl -t checks your conf files for syntax errors and  
> will print
> to the console (stdout) where you're running it.
Ran it and it return Syntax OK

> But other problems will show up in the logs, so you need to find  
> 'em. :-)

Found 'em, thanks. :)

> But if you're not interested in building from scratch... mmm. FWIW,
> it's really easy, though a little more time-consuming if you need PHP.
> Anyway --

Well, at this point the hours are starting to pile up on  
this .htaccess thing...

> What directives were in the .htaccess file that didn't work? Or to put
> it another way, how do you know it's /not/ working?

# basic authentication
AuthName "dev box"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user

Not because I need basic authentication, but it's a sure fire way to  
determine if it's working, right? :)


Jeffrey Barke
Senior developer / information architect
New York
440 9th Avenue
8th Floor
New York, NY 10001-1631
e:	jeffrey.barke at theMechanism.com
w:	http://theMechanism.com
t:	+1 212 404 3150
f:	+1 212 404 3228


theMechanism is a multi-disciplinary design agency with offices in New  
York, London and Durban, South Africa.

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