[thelist] CMS: opensource or hand-roll?

Martin Burns martin at easyweb.co.uk
Sat Sep 20 18:36:26 CDT 2008

On 20 Sep 2008, at 13:34, Christie Mason wrote:

> What I have learned is to continue to question summaries,  
> recommendations
> and reviews until I see the prejudices behind their statements.  Some
> resources in this thread have been diligent with stating their level  
> of
> experiences and prejudices up front, some haven't.

Woah, you don't get to throw that out there like that without  
specifics. Oh, and it's a logical fallacy anyway:

(working with CMSs for the best part of 10 years now on sites from  
small and personal to global; having changed what's behind my own site  
a good 5 times in that period)

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