[thelist] Joins across UNION statements

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Tue Oct 7 11:31:10 CDT 2008

Here's a rather basic SQL question.

I'm using Postgresql.

I have a system that consists of "accounts" and each account has many
"users."  Both a user and an account have one or more settings, and I want to
create a VIEW where I can say:

    SELECT * FROM my_view WHERE user = 1234;

and return the UNION of the two tables for that user (i.e. return a
distinct set of settings that apply to the user from both settings

Poking around the Internet you can find recommendations against using
UNIONS for performance reasons and suggestions to use a join, instead.
I'm missing how to accomplish that, though.  My attempts keep
returning a Cartesian product.

So, my account and user tables:

    create table account (
        id      int primary key,
        name    text

    create table user (
        id      int primary key,
        name    text,
        account int not null references account

I have some settings that are set both per user AND per account.  So
two more tables:

    create table account_setting (
        id      int primary key,
        setting int,  -- whatever
        account int not null references account

    create table user_setting (
        id      int primary key,
        setting int,  -- whatever
        user int not null references user

When I need settings I know the user id, but I want to grab both the
user's settings and the associated account settings together.

I can easily fetch the settings in two selects:

    SELECT setting FROM user_setting WHERE user = 1234;


        JOIN account ON account.id = account_setting.account
        JOIN user ON user.account = account.id
        user.id = 1234;

But, I'm being thick today and not seeing how to accomplish that with
a join instead.

Again, I want to create a view to abstract out how the settings are
fetched.  Some day there might be "settings" that come from, say, a
third table that I want to combine as well but would not want to
change how the application fetches them (instead I'd just update the


Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
Sent from my iMutt

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