[thelist] Fulltime to freelance

sbeam sbeam at onsetcorps.net
Tue Nov 25 14:10:57 CST 2008

On Tuesday 25 November 2008 14:32, Fred Jones wrote:
> I believe someone wrote here a few months ago that his clients
> understand that fixed fee means he doubles (at least) what he really
> thinks it will require and then asks them to pay that. The client
> realizes that he's paying a lot more, but he's satisfied that in
> return for that, he has a fixed price.

yep, here is the rub. Risk can be taken on if it comes with compensation. You 
can reduce (not eliminate) it with foresight and planning. So there is a 
certain amount inherent in any project - it's a question of who assumes it.


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