[thelist] Browser stats for WEO (Was Re: [theforum] about us page)

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Thu Nov 27 09:09:14 CST 2008

Hi Martin,

"Martin Burns" <martin at easyweb.co.uk> wrote:
> Jeff LaMonica wrote:
>> ...as of this morning, IE has 71.27% marketshare...
>> http://marketshare.hitslink.com/report.aspx?qprid=0
> 1) Is that all of IE, or IE7?
> 2) To what extent is that applicable to *evolt*? I'd guess our
> community is *far* more likely to use Firefox/Google Chrome/Safari/
> Opera than the wider intertube using public

Yup, this month on WEO, as you guessed:

  Firefox            47.7 %
  Internet Explorer  35.1 %
  Safari              6.9 %
  Mozilla             3.5 %
  Opera               2.3 %

As far as particular versions:

  Browser versions:
  Firefox                       47.7 %

    3.0.3        19.8 %
    3.0.4        16.7 %      3.0 %      2.2 %
    3.0.1         1.6 %
    3.0           0.9 %      0.4 %
    3.0.2         0.3 %      0.3 %      0.2 %      0.2 %       0.1 %       0.1 %
    3.1           0.1 %
    2.0           0.1 %      0.1 %

  Internet Explorer             35.1 %

    7.0          22.5 %
    6.0          11.4 %
    8.0           0.6 %
    5.5           0.3 %

  Safari              6.9 %
  Unknown             3.5 %
  Mozilla             3.5 %
  Opera               2.3 %

Unfortunately AWStats doesn't break down Safari and Opera by version

And the platform numbers here are slanted as one might guess, with ten 
times as many Mac and linux users as on the "consumer" sites I see at work 
(where Mac users are about 1% and Linux statistically zero):

  Operating Systems:
  Windows     77.9 %
  Macintosh   10.1 %
  Linux        6.6 %
  Unknown      5.1 %


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