[thelist] Payment offsite or on site?

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Wed Jan 14 09:34:31 CST 2009

I'm working with a client that's adding online purchases.  The
customers are most likely to pay with a credit card (instead of with
an existing Paypal account, for example).

They are requesting Paypal as the payment gateway using Paypal's
Payments Standard where the user is redirected to Paypal to complete
the transaction.  I'm not clear if the reason for this is to avoid PCI
compliance or if to have the extra payment options other than just
credit card.

The PCI compliance is not that huge of issue, IMO.

In the past I've considered using the standard Paypal approach where
the user is redirected off-site to Paypal to complete the transaction
a bit less professional than handling all on-site.  But, perhaps over
time now people are comfortable with that approach.

What are your opinions about the off-site approach these days?  Think
users care?

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
Sent from my iMutt

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