[thelist] Developing on OSX

Fred Jones fredthejonester at gmail.com
Wed Apr 29 14:10:04 CDT 2009

I am now a newbie to OSX (10.5.6) and I am looking to start working
with it. So far it looks pretty slick. :)

If I may, I have a few questions:

1. Is it recommended to install xAMP one piece at a time? On Windows I
once tried the WAMP prepackaged installer and it was a mess--installed
things in an odd way with extra garbage etc. I would never do that
again. and in Linux, it's fairly easy to just install the packages
from the command line. Someone told me to use the MAMP installer but
it makes me nervous. :)

2. Is there a recommended Windows emulator or is Darwine the way to
go? There are a few apps I still will need. IE being one of them. :) I
see there is now IEs4Mac but perhaps also an virtualizer for a full
Windows OS might be good.

3. I need a time tracker app. I have been using this
http://www.allnetic.com/ for years and it's great. Now I need a Mac

Any other advice is appreciated. :)


In the unlikely event anyone feels this post is off topic (which it's not) here:

<tip type="Drupal on Mac">
For Drupal developers on a Mac, check this out: http://drupal.org/project/growl

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