[thelist] common marketing/advertising misconception (wasRE:spammers/spambots)

Paul Bennett Paul.Bennett at mch.govt.nz
Thu Jul 30 15:18:41 CDT 2009

As an aside, I once spent a couple of months of madness subscribed to
site claimed to teach you "HOW TO MAKE $$$ ON THE INTERWEBS!!!??!!111". 

I gave up after a few weeks when I realised I was basically paying to
learn how to be a spammer.

Quite frankly, I've made a lot more money out of honest business
practices and good customer service ($thousands) than I ever did out of
spamming article submission sites ($0).

And then there's the whole being able to look in the mirror thing that
Joel so rightly mentioned.

It's my hallucination that a lot of companies in the world today have
done very well in the business world without having to flush their
self-respect, or respect for their customers, straight down the toilet.
I aim to build one (or more) of those companies.


www.mch.govt.nz  -  www.teara.govt.nz  -  www.nzhistory.net.nz  -  www.nzlive.com

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