[thelist] ngo website

Steve Clason stevec at topdogstrategy.com
Mon Dec 28 10:54:48 CST 2009

eman.rossini at gmail.com wrote:
> since it's the first time i'm doing it, i ask: do you know of any
> resource/advice on the topic ONG/NOPROFIT WEBSITES?
> what i'm looking for is not advice on the specific site working on
> (that's the reason i don't cite it), but more generally guidelines.

Hi Eman,

I do a lot of work for NGO/Nonprofits and have a few pieces of advice:

1. Sometimes, not always, NGOs believe that their mission should be 
enough to earn them good will and they ignore the importance of 
marketing, especially branding. You might have to step outside your 
design/development role to explain or even insist on practices that 
would usually be automatic in a business/corporate culture.

2. Many NGOs have small, overworked staff and a cadre of volunteers, so 
that it can be difficult to get decisions made or even to schedule a 
meeting. Try to get a single contact person assigned (always a good 
idea, I think), and be sure that person is empowered to make decisions. 
If you hold a design review meeting, schedule the next one before you 
leave so that you can get their attention later.

3. Be patient and bill monthly.

I hope those help. Good luck with your project.

Steve Clason
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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