[thelist] YouTube type videos

David Laakso david at chelseacreekstudio.com
Wed Jul 21 16:16:40 CDT 2010

Bob Meetin wrote:
> Be it YouTube or some other service, what is the general consensus of 
> embeding YouTube videos on the home page of a supposedly 
> quality-styled website? I tend to resist, but commonly get harrassed 
> into making it happen.  Placing them and similar in blog entries is 
> fine by me, but I'm not enthused about the home page. -Bob

I see nothing wrong in placing it on the home page providing the user 
can view or not view it at their discretion.

OTOH, I have a real problem when I go to the dotted.biz home page on a 
116.5dpi wide screen monitor. There I am confronted simultaneously with 
mousetype content text, and madly blinking rotating images. First 
reaction: hit the back button before I start to foam at the mouth, 
pass-out, and hit the deck.



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