[thelist] mind mapping tools

Alex Beston alex.beston at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 17:22:49 CDT 2010


Havent posted for ages to this list so sorry first for being a stranger! [1]


Recently I have really taken stock & decided to work for a corporate
and currently on day 4 of my campaign and was looking for some nice
visualisation tools to do brainstorming on my approach and also just
to get a-hold of what it is I am trying to do. I keep telling myself I
am passionate about developing but all i can be honest is that i just
like to solve puzzles.

I have a white board and on it are sketches of a "mind map" showing
"moi" at the centre and bubbles radiating out and bubbles off bubbles
and attributes / properties inside the bubbles (no I dont think of
myself as a database! just a convenience to explain my whiteboard

so is there a neat online tool where I can pop things in there on the
screen, from my sketch. what Im trying to do is take the neat form of
the mindmap and turn it into a reasoned, selling document / paragraph
so that it serves as a "who I am" or "where I am at the moment" when
people read my CV / resume.

Should anyone want to see what it is I have to tidy up, here it is
below, warts & all. you were warned!!


rgds, Alex

blarg: bit.ly/old-log


(I remember getting lots of help & advice so should really have tried
to help b4; looks like i will be able to at last fulful that inner
need to return the favour & help out )

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