[thelist] messy IP address/~account and mobile app question

Phil Turmel philip at turmel.org
Sat Dec 11 18:46:49 CST 2010

On 12/10/2010 01:04 PM, Bob Meetin wrote:
> The developers who created the iPhone app failed to change the URL from the under development IP address page to the live domain name and it got submitted to Apple and is out there.  Not my problem but is my client.
> On a test website I tried setting up a simple redirection in the .htaccess but didn't help, maybe because I don't understand this stuff.  Into the .htaccess I  added various flavors of:
> RewriteRule http://the_live_domain.com [R=301,L]
> RewriteCond ^174.121$
> RewriteRule $  http://the_live_domain.com [R=301,L]
> This latter is a total failure.

But close...


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} 174\.121\.22\.85
RewriteRule ^~the_account/(.*)$ http://the.live.domain.com/$1


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