[thelist] Teach Old Programmer New Tricks

Luther, Ron Ron.Luther at hp.com
Fri Jan 28 11:37:36 CST 2011

The *senior* Mr. Hassan noted:

>>It's just not the same without the punch cards, man.

Heh.  So true.  So true.  Although I think I miss the paper tape more than the punch cards.

{Anybody else up for cord boards?  ...  Anybody?  No, huh.}  

For Fred's buddy though:
(1) Maybe that was PL1 instead of PS1?
(2) There is still a bunch of legacy COBOL code sitting around that needs maintaining.  Haven't looked today but 10 years ago there was some pretty good coin to be made there!
(3) I would ask instead what area he worked in.  E.g. If he was a Payroll Systems guy then studying some JS books may be a waste of time.  Might be easier getting back into Payroll.  (It's just solving the same old problems over and over.  The syntax changes slightly, but the problems don't really change a whole lot.)

(North of Five-Oh ... but South of "old")

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