[thelist] development time cost on new functionality

Martin Burns martin at easyweb.co.uk
Tue Jul 19 15:51:56 CDT 2011

On 15 Jul 2011, at 15:57, Matt Warden wrote:

>> This doesn't go over well with many/most of my small business owner clients.
> What doesn't go over well? That you have a product that solves their
> problem at the same price as a consulting engagement, except there is
> no risk of going over budget or beyond the timeline or that it will be
> a failure altogether? Again, if you are having these discussions with
> clients and they aren't going well, you should consider how you are
> framing it. There is no reason why a customer would prefer you to
> spend months on a consulting engagement that might not pan out vs
> getting a productized version of the proven solution immediately.

This is also a very live topic in a non-commercial environment: which project/budget should pick up the tab for a significant refactor or framework implementation.


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