[thelist] OT ConFoo, a Community conference in Montreal, QC, Call for speakersTalk proposals must received

Renoir B. renoirb at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 23:03:56 CDT 2011

Hi everybody

I will give some hint below. But I think, this is not really Off Topic per

Here in Montreal, Qc, Web development communities followed the lead of PHP
Quebec for a yearly conference (PHP Quebec Conference from 2003-2009).

Since 2010 the communities such as Montreal Python, W3Qc (a local W3C
webmasters usergroup), and many (enumerated below) joined the organization.

What's upcoming?
* If you want to propose, please do by September 2nd, 2011 here:
* If you are around Montreal, Qc, The Confoo BBQ is coming
soon<http://confoo.ca/en/news/confoo-bbq-2011> (6th,
starting at 1:00 PM6th, starting at 1:00 PM) everybody's welcome
* The conference will be held in Montreal from February 29th to March 2nd,
2012 at the prestigious Hotel Hilton Bonaventure

<hint author="Renoir Boulanger" type="Organizing blocks elements and CSS">
Here is some things I actually do on each projects:

1. List all element types and sort them by likeness (tables, lists, link
colors patterns, content boxes, etc)
2. I build a static version of the application/website with minimal
programming. Only for patterns (you know... DRY)
3. I repurpose main navigation with links to specific views and use title=""
attribute to hint the developer what is where.
4. First element of the menu is a render of all possible elements.  I use a
http request to that specific view to be used and minified.


I organize all my CSS by making sure the functionnal of the view is
spearated from the project specific code.


Because I can reuse it later. And that's what's all our work is about.
Making our work more and more efficient and focus on quality more by helping
ourselves with such tricks

PS: I started this recently and I'm publishing some of them on github



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ConFoo 2012: Call for Papers is Now Open!

We are looking for the best speakers willing to share their skills and
experience with developers and managers.

This year, ConFoo is dedicated to software development, project management
and best practices.

The technical part covers different aspects of Web development such as: PHP,
Python, Ruby, .Net, Java, security, content management systems, frameworks,
databases, system administration, Web standards, mobile development,
accessibility and software architecture.

The management and best practices parts includes: project management, agile
methodology, referencing (SEO), Web marketing analysis, social networking,
and start-ups.

The conference will be held in Montreal from February 29th to March 2nd,
2012 at the prestigious Hotel Hilton Bonaventure and will be preceded by a
few days of training.

Talk proposals <http://confoo.ca/en/call-for-papers> must received by
September 2nd, 2011.

Renoir B.

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