[thelist] videos / page load speed

Bob Meetin bobm at dottedi.biz
Mon Nov 7 08:56:03 CST 2011

I appreciate the response from both you and Renoir.  I'm reasonably familiar with the general principles for optimizing page speed and the yahoo page, http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html. Seems to me there is/was a video put out a couple years ago (Souders?) where the Yahoo tech guy did a nice job of laying it out in layman's terms, no, a great job.

Maybe I should have mentioned something else however.  I've become a specialist with the cms, Joomla and am using a component called HD Flv Player, www.hdflvplayer.net, to manager the videos and its plugins and module for display.  It's available standalone, also for Drupal, Wordpress, Zen-Cart, Magento, etc.

Without either recoding Joomla core or the component you are somewhat limited in what you can do. I'm trying to get out of hacking if it can be avoided.  Maybe what I should do is to run some performance comparison tests before I talk to what "feels" slow.

In the control panel, other than linking videos to those you have uploaded to your website or to a youtube-similar service there is an option to select Streamer Type of:


If you select rtmp you have to enter a Streamer Path (?). I have left it set to the default, none.  Does this help?  My bad for not being clearer up front.


On 11/06/2011 04:55 PM, Barney Carroll wrote:
> Hiya Bob,
> I wrote this function to deal* with the problem:
> https://gist.github.com/1228757
> It requires jQuery and another function, addLoad, which stacks events to window.onload without overwriting them:
> https://gist.github.com/1226302
> * all this actually does is takes iframes (eg YouTube) out of the document and reintroduces them later to stop them becoming another set of resources to download synchronously: load all the parent page's resources and only then go about worrying about external dependencies. I usually give iframes a centred loading gif background to give the end user a bit of feedback.
> Regards,
> Barney Carroll
> (+44) 742 9177 278
> On 6 Nov 2011, at 19:40, Bob Meetin<bobm at dottedi.biz>  wrote:
>> 1) Is there a particular way you should set up videos which will least impact page load speed?
>> 2) With many players you can choose to upload a video to your website and display it locally or link to a YouTube or similar service.  Does that extra hop to these services have any, much impact on load speed?
>> 3) On a couple sites I'm using a player which works with playlists. In the control panel you administer the playlist, maximum 25 (am conservative thus far).  I've noticed that the player 'seems' to take longer as more videos are added.  Is this what it is or are there techniques to setting up playlists that are more efficient for downloads and such?
>> -Thx, Bob
>> -- 
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Bob Meetin
dotted i - http://www.dottedi.biz
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bobmeetin
303-926-0167 (home/business)

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