[thelist] videos / page load speed

erik mattheis gozz at gozz.com
Mon Nov 7 19:32:08 CST 2011

Does it load a JPG as a preview? If not, it has to request the whole video
before a user hits play.

If I was unable to control whether the video loaded into the player or not,
I'd show a JPG and change the DOM to include the player onclick.

On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Bob Meetin <bobm at dottedi.biz> wrote:

> I appreciate the response from both you and Renoir.  I'm reasonably
> familiar with the general principles for optimizing page speed and the
> yahoo page, http://developer.yahoo.com/**performance/rules.html<http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html>.
> Seems to me there is/was a video put out a couple years ago (Souders?)
> where the Yahoo tech guy did a nice job of laying it out in layman's terms,
> no, a great job.
> Maybe I should have mentioned something else however.  I've become a
> specialist with the cms, Joomla and am using a component called HD Flv
> Player, www.hdflvplayer.net, to manager the videos and its plugins and
> module for display.  It's available standalone, also for Drupal, Wordpress,
> Zen-Cart, Magento, etc.
> Without either recoding Joomla core or the component you are somewhat
> limited in what you can do. I'm trying to get out of hacking if it can be
> avoided.  Maybe what I should do is to run some performance comparison
> tests before I talk to what "feels" slow.
> In the control panel, other than linking videos to those you have uploaded
> to your website or to a youtube-similar service there is an option to
> select Streamer Type of:
> none
> lighttpd
> rtmp
> If you select rtmp you have to enter a Streamer Path (?). I have left it
> set to the default, none.  Does this help?  My bad for not being clearer up
> front.
> -Bob
> On 11/06/2011 04:55 PM, Barney Carroll wrote:
>> Hiya Bob,
>> I wrote this function to deal* with the problem:
>> https://gist.github.com/**1228757 <https://gist.github.com/1228757>
>> It requires jQuery and another function, addLoad, which stacks events to
>> window.onload without overwriting them:
>> https://gist.github.com/**1226302 <https://gist.github.com/1226302>
>> * all this actually does is takes iframes (eg YouTube) out of the
>> document and reintroduces them later to stop them becoming another set of
>> resources to download synchronously: load all the parent page's resources
>> and only then go about worrying about external dependencies. I usually give
>> iframes a centred loading gif background to give the end user a bit of
>> feedback.
>> Regards,
>> Barney Carroll
>> (+44) 742 9177 278
>> On 6 Nov 2011, at 19:40, Bob Meetin<bobm at dottedi.biz>  wrote:
>>  1) Is there a particular way you should set up videos which will least
>>> impact page load speed?
>>> 2) With many players you can choose to upload a video to your website
>>> and display it locally or link to a YouTube or similar service.  Does that
>>> extra hop to these services have any, much impact on load speed?
>>> 3) On a couple sites I'm using a player which works with playlists. In
>>> the control panel you administer the playlist, maximum 25 (am conservative
>>> thus far).  I've noticed that the player 'seems' to take longer as more
>>> videos are added.  Is this what it is or are there techniques to setting up
>>> playlists that are more efficient for downloads and such?
>>> -Thx, Bob
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> --
> Bob Meetin
> dotted i - http://www.dottedi.biz
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Erik Mattheis


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