[thelist] Knowledge base/Wiki/Shared Docs: Recommendations?

Alberto Domingo alberto.domingo at uah.es
Fri Jan 20 12:51:46 CST 2012

My personal recommendation is to use a blogging 
software. In my opinion, WordPress (free) is quite good.

It is the best way I can imagine to have a master 
piece of information (the blog entry), 
conveniently classified with tags, categories, 
etc., and all possible comments, modifications, 
additions, etc. (the comments to the blog entry).

I don’t like wikis. The changes are difficult to 
follow and to identify the origin. In the blog, 
the main entry is always safe, and someone (or 
someones) in charge can decide when and what to 
incorporate or modify to the main entry. It is collaborative, but not anarchic.

Alberto Domingo

At 15:21 20/01/2012, you wrote:

>I have the task of creating a system for 
>managing information at my company. These would 
>range from procedures (what and how do 
>departments to) to background knowledge (what is 
>the CMYK for rich black) to a news mailing 
>(think of the tips digest). Basically, our 
>company needs to start creating an accessible 
>"memory bank". I'd love it if there were a 
>strongly tag based approach as well as hierarchical.
>The criteria is that it must be free or cheap 
>and super easy to use and relatively pretty. If 
>it's not pretty and easy to use, people won't get into the habit of using it.
>I'm considering a wiki, but I'm not 100% sure if 
>that would be easy to use for luddites.
>What kind of recommendations would you guys make?
>Francis Marion
>Département communications interactives
>Signé François Roy
>    819 336-6746 x 236
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