[thelist] magento / performance / amazon?

Bob Meetin bobm at dottedi.biz
Sat Aug 4 20:07:31 CDT 2012

I met with my client to discuss, also offline spoke with a guy on the list and also checked in with HostGator.

Client confirmed that the complaint was once they got into shopping functions and went through various cart-related functions such as add to cart, proceed to checkout, selecting shipping, update address, etc. Yes I see the same

As a starting point I plan to do some basic speed tests to get some metrics using yslow.

Sourcing the root cause suggestions include

  * running 'top' and looking for bottlenecks
  * learning and using the mysql slow query log
  * mysql> explain $query
  * yslow, maybe firebug
  * checking for correct indexing
  * look into newrelic.com
  * go through the magento performance list of course

In checking with HostGator, they also mentioned slowquery.  The server is level 4 VPS, 1344mb ram and 1.98ghz cpu. Depending on what I come up with they suggested possibly installing APC which warrants an upgrade to a level 5; they also mentioned FCGI caching. I'm also searching to see if there is an official hardware requirements document as a point of reference. You gotta love research.


On 08/02/2012 10:07 AM, David Miller wrote:
> On 1 August 2012 21:59, Bob Meetin <bobm at dottedi.biz <mailto:bobm at dottedi.biz>> wrote:
>     somewhere down the road we'd encounter performance problems, page load speed, the road hog.
> What problems are you experiencing exactly, and against what criteria are you measuring "Success" or "Not A Problem"?
> Amazingly, nobody has suggested *instrumenting your current application* in order to see where the time gets spent :)
> What metrics have you collected in order to determine that you have a problem and analyse what the bottleneck(s) are?
> While many of the approaches here are valid solutions to *specific problems*. You frist have to establish what *your specific problem(s)* is/are.
>     My client has also asked about Amazon hosting.  They do everything else, CDN, the works, shouldn't their hosting be superior?
> Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple.
> FWIW if you are running on a vanilla, un-tuned server there is almost certainly a significant performance gain to be had from getting someone who understands performance tuning to take a look.
> I'd want to know exactly what 'tweaking' Hostgator were going to do, and how 'small' the fee before being in a position to tell you if that was a good idea...
> -- 
> Love regards etc
> David Miller
> http://www.deadpansincerity.com
> 07854 880 883

Bob Meetin
dotted i - http://www.dottedi.biz
Web Development / Joomla CMS Integration Specialist
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bobmeetin
303-926-0167 (home/business)

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