[i18n] Categories for non-English articles?

Erika ekm at seastorm.com
Wed Dec 17 12:10:43 CST 2008

Luther, Ron wrote:
> Hi Erika,
> * I would like the Dutch article published ASAP.

I just published it.  The only change I made was to copy the original 
title into the excerpt, to better guide English-language readers.

> * I think using the current English categories would be the fastest way to make that happen.
> Sorry if I was jumping the gun looking at the longer term items.  

Not at all... all it does is build the fire under us, and help us press 
harder for an upgrade.

> A quick question and a half:  Are there any characters in the Dutch article that have diatricial marks?  If there are - will they break anything in the current evolt structure?  [That would be the only thing I would see that might prevent us from quickly publishing the article.]

If someone is more experienced with this, it would be good to know the 

I *think* utf-8 + xml lang takes care of this....?


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