[Javascript] window.open problem

Ivanner Mora ivanner at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 27 13:07:45 CDT 2001

I have this code on a page
<A HREF="javascript:window.open('somepage','','height=550, width=300,
scrollbars=yes, status=no, toolbars=no,top=10,left=50')">somevalue</A>

Which works fine (opens the new window with the required page and
properties). The problem is with the parent window which changes and shows
up blank with [object] in it. I want to just open the page and have its
parent to stay the same. I DON'T want to use something like this:
<A HREF="#" onClick="javascript:window.open('somepage','','height=550,
width=300, scrollbars=yes, status=no,
This because once you click on one of the links, all other change to visited
which is NOT desired.(somepage and somevalue are DB generated, that's why I
haven't used a function)

I know I have to a return somewhere, I just don't know where.
If someone can help me out, THANKS A LOT !!!!

Ivanner Mora
 ICQ# 45326279

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