[Javascript] Re: Javascript digest, Vol 1 #181 - 13 msgs

Lewis Shadoff lshadoff at brazosport.cc.tx.us
Tue Jul 3 09:01:28 CDT 2001

At 09:46 PM 7/2/01, javascript-request at LaTech.edu wrote:

>does anyone know a way to return the coordinates of a point on a text input
>box?  Say a corner?

In IE you can get the top and left positions of the upper left of an 
element using the offsetTop and offsetLeft properties.  It requires that 
the element be positioned in a style sheet.

So... Create a style where all inputs are positioned relative (this leaves 
them in their normal position, but allows determining their position 

         position : relative;

Every input whose position you want to determine must have an ID:

[input type ="text" ID="box1"]  (I'm using [ and ] so that HTML-rendering 
email programs won't interpret this as a tag)

Create a JavaScript function that gets the position.

function getPos(ID) {
// Store the element name in bName
         var bName = ID;
// Store the x-position of the upper left corner in x
         x = document.all(bName).offsetLeft;
// Store the y-position of the upper left corner in y
         y = document.all(bName).offsetTop;
// Display the x and y positions  (remove the // on the next line to do this)
// alert("x = " + x + "\ny = " + y);

Call the function with a body onLoad:

[body onLoad="getPos("box1")]

If you want to make it Netscape compatible you must, instead, enclose the 
INPUT in a DIV (to create a Netscape layer) with an ID.  Then declare the 
DIV as positioned relative in a style declaration. (It's probably best to 
assign a CLASS to the DIV so you can differentiate it from normal 
DIVs.)  Give each DIV enclosing an input an ID.

DIV.inp {
         position : relative;

[div class="inp" id="box1"][input type=text ...][/div]

The JavaScript is now:

// Layers recognized?
var ns = (document.layers) ? true:false;
// Yes, set ns to true
// No, set ns to false

function getPos(ID) {
// Store the element name in bName
         var bName = ID;
// Check if layers recognized
         if (ns) {
// Yes, use the Netscape code
         x = document.layers[bName].pageX;
         y = document.layers[bName].pageY;
         else {
// No use the IE code
         x = document.all(bName).offsetLeft;
         y = document.all(bName).offsetTop;
// Dispolay the x and y values
// alert("x = " + x + "\ny = " + y);

If the div/input is contained within another layer, then the NS4 code 
should be:

         x = document.layers[containinglayername].document.layers[bName].pageX;
         y = document.layers[containinglayername].document.layers[bName].pageY;

If the div/layer is in a table then all bets are off!

This is not Opera (does not implement CSS2, yet) and NS6 (requires 
ECMAScript) compatible.


Lewis A. Shadoff, PhD
Brazosport College
Lake Jackson, TX

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