[Javascript] Dynamic Form Validation

Teresa L Cannon Teresa.Cannon at ipaper.com
Wed Jul 18 08:15:09 CDT 2001

I'm trying to validate a form for a survey that has been dynamically
created by a web app.  This is
the ASP name of the form element: Name=""Q" & varQNumber(x) & "A" that
needs validating.

Is there a way in JavaScript to do this? If so, please be specific.
Needless to say, I am very new to
JavaScript & ASP.

Right now I would settle for "any type" of form validation. A generic alert
that would say "You must
answer all questions".  However, it would be nice to send them a message in
red, maybe even right before
the question to indicate which questions did not get answered.

' db connection stuff & Dims go here..........
<script language="JAVASCRIPT">
     function GoForm1()
        var Str = document.Form1.DynamicFormNameHere.value")

          if (Str == null || inputStr == "0" || inputStr == "")
               // the field is Null or blank.
               alert(" Please input an answer for all questions.")
               return false
          else if (confirm(" Are you sure you want to Submit this Final
               if (confirm(" Are you REALLY SURE?"))

<body bgcolor="#F0F0DF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="10">

<form action="Survey-Script.asp" name="Form1" id="Form1" method="post">
      <%  varTotalAnswers = Request.QueryString("TotalAnswers")

          rs.Source = _
               "SELECT DISTINCT QNumber, QTitle, ATypeID, QID FROM
EHS_SurveyQuestion " &_
               "WHERE SurveyID = '" & varSurveyID & "' " &_
               "ORDER By QNumber "
          R = 0

          Do While NOT rs.EOF

               varQNumber(R) = rs(0)
               varQTitle(R) = rs(1)
               varATypeID(R) = rs(2)
               varQID(R) = rs(3)

               varCount = R
               R = R + 1

          ' This will loop through all of the questions for this survey up
to 61 questions and answers for each

          For x = 0 to varCount

          Response.Write("<TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD>" & varQNumber(x) & ".
                    Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" Name=""QNumber"
& varQNumber(x) & """ value=""" & varQNumber(x)
& """>")

               rs.Source = _
               "SELECT DISTINCT ANumber, ATitle FROM EHS_SurveyAnswer " &_
               "WHERE SurveyID = '" & varSurveyID & "' " &_
               "AND QNumber = '" & varQNumber(x) & "' "

               y = 0
               Do While NOT rs.EOF

                    varANumber(y) = rs(0)
                    varATitle(y) = rs(1)

                    varCountery = y
                    y = y + 1


               For z = 0 to varCountery

                    If varATypeID(x) = 1 OR varATypeID(x) = 2 Then
                         Response.Write("<input type=""" &
varType(varATypeID(x)) & """ Name=""Q" & varQNumber(x) & "A""
value=""" & varATitle(z) & """>")
                         Response.Write("&nbsp;" & varATitle(z))
                         Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" Name=""Q" &
varQNumber(x) & "A" & z & "B"" value=""" & varATitle(z)
& """>")
                    Else If varATypeID(x) = 4 Then
                              Response.Write("<input type=""" &
varType(varATypeID(x)) & """ Size=""65"" Name=""Q" & varQNumber(x)
& "A"">")
                         Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" Name=""Q" &
varQNumber(x) & "A" & z & "B"" value=""" & varATitle(z)
& """>")
                    Else If varATypeID(x) = 5 Then
                                   Response.Write("<TEXTAREA rows=2 cols=60
id=1 Name=""Q" & varQNumber(x) & "A""></TEXTAREA>")
                         Response.Write("<input type=""hidden"" Name=""Q" &
varQNumber(x) & "A" & z & "B"" value=""" & varATitle(z)
& """>")
                    End If
                    End If
                    End If

          <input type="hidden" name="Survey" value="
          <input type="hidden" name="LID" value="
          <input type="hidden" name="Count" value="
          <input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Final Survey" Name="button1"

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