[Javascript] Setting properties

Iztok Polanic iztokp at amis.net
Thu Jul 19 11:20:23 CDT 2001


I still haven't solved my problem. Here's another question. Can I apply
style properties to <div> tags which are inside of <table> tags? Example:

/<table width="xxx" height="xxx" id="test">
/<td><div id="change">some text</div></td>

When a user clicks on a button 'x' then the color of the table is changed
(document.all.test.bgColor = "#000000") and when the user clicks on 'y'
button then the color of 'some text' is changed
(document.all.change.style.color = "#ff00ff"). The 'x' button works, but
when I click on the 'y' button I get an error from IE 5.0 that
'document.all.change.style is not an object' What's the problem? Can someone
help me? Are here any Javascript experts or are we all on the same rank? ;)



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