[Javascript] window.open from image map goes very slow on Mac, great on PC

Ben Curtis Quixote at LaMancha.org
Mon Jul 23 01:21:06 CDT 2001

> Can anyone tell me why the image map on the Mac browsers no longer
> works after the first window.open event? What might be a better
> solution (that works)?

I can't duplicate this, so I'll just throw my hunch at you and you can see
whether it works. Try returning false from the onclick handler. Or put the
code in the void() statement. Here's how I would code it:

<area shape="rect" coords="444,123,663,265"

Remember: if you don't want the window attribute, you don't have to mention
it. If you do want it, just mention it -- only height and width require

+Ben Curtis
...established 1971.

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