[Javascript] Re: Running two scripts on the same page

phumes1 at home.com phumes1 at home.com
Tue Jun 26 10:02:20 CDT 2001

I'm having trouble running multiple scripts on a page.

I have one script being loaded

Menu #1

	<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="overlib.js">

When you put the mouse over a file/link a dialog pops up showing you the 
date/time last modified. File size etc.

<a href="javascript:void(0);" 
onMouseOver="overlib('#DateLastModified#<br>File: filename.txt<br>Size: 
#Size# bytes', CAPTION, 'Date Last Modified', FGCOLOR, 'white', BGCOLOR, 
'3366CC', WIDTH, '180', HEIGHT, 32, RIGHT, ABOVE)" 

Menu #2

I'm also loading the latest version of Hierarchical Menus script


<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="File" 
onMouseOver="popUp('elMenu2',event)" onMouseOut="popDown('elMenu2')" 
onClick="return false" class="dirlinks" alt="filename">filename.txt</a>

If I comment out the Javascript for example #1 the menus work  otherwise 
nothing happens, only the popup for the file information.

How do I get around this?

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