[Javascript] Remote Scripting

Andrew Gibson andyg at ihug.co.nz
Thu Jun 28 06:50:20 CDT 2001

The main problem remains, in how to get the cursor back to default after the
data read is completed. You have to find the way to keep track of the data
complete, so you know when to switch to default.
Thanks, that made it a lot easier using the body tag.

Well, with the remote scripting, it grabs the data from the server and
writes to a <div> on the page, so when it's finished writing, thats when you
turn back the cursor.

// remote scripting functions
// turn back cursor
document.body.style.cursor='default' ;

>P.S. I'd like to see some of you're code

Which code? most is on the site below if you do a view source. I think
setting up for remote scripting a pain in the neck. But as for the database
connection I found that I couldn't return a recordset or an array, so had to
put the recordset into a string and parse it into a table in the <div> that

 Andrew Gibson


-----Original Message-----
From: javascript-admin at LaTech.edu [mailto:javascript-admin at LaTech.edu]On
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 10:57 PM
To: javascript at LaTech.edu
Subject: Re: [Javascript] Remote Scripting

It is working on my browser, IE 5.5 but I know it works in IE5.0 also, even
if it's not defined in CSS at all.
But why are you using document.all type of thing. It calls all the document
objects and counts them, than it finds the referenced object and at the end
it calls the specified object for handle. It slows down you're script
functions, depending on the size and the number of you're document objects a
It would be nice to have the cursor wait displayed everywhere in the page
during the dataB data download. It would also be preferable to disable all
the links and other functions in the page during this data travel, but also
ESC button function to cancel data reading by client at any time.


would be more lighter, or in case you like to have the cursor wait state
only over the element that retrieves data access it directly by its ID:

The main problem remains, in how to get the cursor back to default after the
data read is completed. You have to find the way to keep track of the data
complete, so you know when to switch to default.

P.S. I'd like to see some of you're code

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