[Javascript] Converting to string data...better explanation of the problem...

Carlos carlos at unica.cu
Wed May 2 16:39:57 CDT 2001

I want to convert a variant data into a string, because I have to print it,
in others words I read a binary file, and I want to print the content of the
file. The code works prefectly (no errors messages), but the result is not
what I desire...here is the code...

function Load(FileName) {
var BinFile, BinData;
    BinFile = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream");
    BinFile.Type = adTypeBinary;
    BinData = BinFile.Read();
    BinFile = null;

according to all references I've read, the function Stream.Read(numBytes)
reads numBytes from a stream and return the data as a Variant, but I can't
find that type (Variant) in any place of my Javascript's Tutorial, and I
need to convert it to a string to display it, cause the sentence
"Response.Write(BinData)" only displays "????" symbols...
How can I convert it to a string??? In extension,: how can I convert it to
any data???, for example to an Integer?...I mean:

BinData = BinFile.Read(1);

and after this convert BinData to and Integer...


PD: I want to warning, that if the file the function is loading is a text
file, and I replace the lines:
    BinFile.Type = adTypeBinary;
    BinData = BinFile.Read();
    BinFile.Type = adTypeText;
    BinData = BinFile.ReadText();
it works perfectly, but I don't want to do so, I want to read the file as a
binary file.

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