[Javascript] self.opener and IE6

Rodney Myers rodney at aflyingstart.net
Thu Nov 15 11:31:34 CST 2001


I have a popup window in which I put a control panel which has various
links, all to javascript functions in the main window.

It works in my IE5.5 and NN4.7
My colleague has IE6 and has had problems with it which I verified when
I visited yesterday and was unable to fix.

On entry to the file this var is set:

var SASSTOP=false;

Lower down the script we have

if(self.opener){SASSTOP=self.opener.top;} else{nosass();}

This appears to succeed since the alert generated by function nosass()
does not appear.
(I am not familar with IE6 and it possible that there are errors that
are being logged or signalled in a way that was not apparent to me - as
it might be in NN if one did not know about the console)

A link in the file to javascript:version() calls this function which is
intended to call a function of the same name in the main window if the
file was popped.

function version(){
if(SASSTOP){SASSTOP.version();comeBack();}else{nosass();} }

comeBack() restores focus to the popped panel if it gets the chance!

typeof(SASSTOP) gives "object"

opener shows up as a property with for(var p in window){ ... }

What happens when above function is called is that the alert in nosass()

I am suspicious of such problems in new versions of IE particularly
where an installation was upgraded.
Too often there have been problems connected with windows. But I have
not heard of this one. If it were something I could control I would be
happier even if the code was a few lines longer.

Comments or suggestions gratefully received

Thanks in advance

Oxford, England

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