[Javascript] Re: Is this right Javascript?

David T. Lovering dlovering at gazos.com
Wed Apr 9 14:07:24 CDT 2003

Anything which isn't in an international standards document and is proprietary
to one vendor/development tree is "bastardized" to my way of thinking.

"onkeydown" and a number of other useful events do indeed work in late-model
Netscape/Mozilla derivations, but so do the 'standards' defined by the HTML4.0
SG and others. Just between you, me, and the fence-post, if I have a choice
between using something that ports and something that doesn't, I'll take the
portable event description every time.  [Also known as "The Lazy Man's Creed"].
When these calls are ported everywhere uniformly, I'll be glad to adopt them
and defend them in public.

-- Dave Lovering

Chris Tifer wrote:

> >   Third, 'onkeydown' is undefined for normal JavaScript (although it may have
> >   some bizarre other-worldly existence in M$oft's bastardized JScript).

> I know it's cool to bash Microsoft whenever the chance arises, but a simple
> sample would show you this is not some "bastardized" javascript unless NN is
> now bastardizing it too:

> <textarea onkeydown="alert('hello')"></textarea>


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