[Javascript] Question regarding Netscape

David T. Lovering dlovering at gazos.com
Mon Apr 14 12:08:27 CDT 2003

A few weeks back a discussion on this board took place about determining whether or not
objects had actually been 'loaded', or were merely in a state of transition.  

This problem has already been addressed in IE-land (5.5+) with the readyState attribute,
which can be used thusly --

	var myState = object.readyState;

	switch (myState) {

	case "unitialized" 	: 	<do something>

	case "loading"	 	:	<do something>

	case "loaded"		:	<do something>

	case "interactive"	:	<do something>

	case "complete"		:	<do something>

	default				: 	<do something>

	} // switch

In general, before you can start messing with any interior data (checking for values, assigning values, etc.), you
need to be in the 'complete' state.

Sadly, I can find no reference to anything similar in Netscape.  Does anybody have anything which might be equivalent in function?

-- Dave Lovering

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