[Javascript] Can I Give Myself a Cookie ?

Chris Tifer christ at saeweb.com
Wed Apr 23 09:03:53 CDT 2003

> Any directory on the client's machine which contains files which can be
> imported, tested for existence, or otherwise accessed as part of an active
> document is what I meant by "accessible".

I must be mistaken, but I know of absolutely no ways to import directories.
There is a way to browse for a single file, but you cannot use any
JavaScript to
read the value in this field.

Also, there is no way to test for existance of a file or directory strictly
through script if run in the context of the browser - at least not in a
browser. Now if you were to go download the browser of some schmoe
who's making it available, then of course he could program in some
exploit, but you'd deserver it for using some untested browser.

Can you please give us an example of how to check for existance of a
file or directory?

Chris Tifer

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