[Javascript] Flash Detection

David T. Lovering dlovering at gazos.com
Thu Mar 27 17:06:48 CST 2003

I'm no rocket scientist, but I would think that document.all would always prove
true, even with a blank HTML page.

Also, while you can do a string operation implicitly on a string object, it loses
its "objectness" thereafter, so that it sometimes fails to take add on functions
as you'd suppose.


      var myMimeTest = document.testMime.mimeType.toLowercase();
      if (myMimeTest.indexOf('flash') != -1) { yada-yada...

  Speaking of which, I don't see mimeType declared anywhere.

  Also, while it is conceivable that in a formless environment

      document.testMime (where testMime is an image object)

  should work, I suspect most browsers will 'fake' a form[0] wrapper just
  to conform to the DOM model.  Rather than deal with this, you are almost
  better off wrapping your code in a form of your own invention, even if
  you have to set the action="javascript:void(null)" to keep it from
  going anywhere.

  If there is an imposition of a form (fake or otherwise), the path to the
  img object testMime will be


  I'll look this over later and in more detail and see if anything springs
  out at me.

  -- Dave Lovering

Marcelo Simon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a headache over this script to detect if is flash is present or
> not. If someone could see what my eyes are not seeing please help me . :)
> <img name="testMime" src="test.swf">
> <script language="JavaScript"><!--
> var can_play = false;
> var mimetype = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
> if (navigator.mimeTypes) {
>    if (navigator.mimeTypes[mimetype] != null) {
>       if (navigator.mimeTypes[mimetype].enabledPlugin != null) {
>          can_play = true;
>       }
>    }
> }
> if (!can_play && navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') !=-1) {
>    if (document.all &&
> document.testMime.mimeType.toLowercase().indexOf('flash') !=-1) {
>       can_play = true;
>    }
> }
> if (can_play)
>    window.location = 'plug.html';
> else
>    window.location = 'noplug.html';
> //-->
> </script>
> Marcelo Simon
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