[Javascript] How to dim buttons

Hassan Schroeder hassan at webtuitive.com
Wed Nov 12 11:42:18 CST 2003

Håkan Magnusson wrote:

> Nope, actually a double quoted string are given the escaping treatment, 
> while the single quoted strings are not. That's why it's faster. :-)

What "escaping treatment"?  Can you cite a reference that says
explicitly that a string literal is treated differently depending
on whether it's contained inside single or double quotes?

Neither the ECMA standard nor the Netscape JavaScript reference
have anything I can find to indicate this...

(quoted from) Standard ECMA-262:

7.8.4 String Literals
   A string literal is zero or more characters enclosed in
   single or double quotes. Each character may be represented
   by an escape sequence.

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- hassan at webtuitive.com
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

                           dream.  code.

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