[Javascript] splice

Chris Basken chriz at basken.com
Fri Nov 14 00:27:10 CST 2003

Did something happen to the splice function between IE 5 and 6?  I was digging
through an old page in my archives and I decided to make use of a snippet of
script, but when I try it now I get an unsupported error.

 for (var righti = 0; righti < aForm.dynamicList1.options.length; righti++) {
  if (aForm.dynamicList1.options[righti].selected == true) {

It seems to be complaining about my use of splice, but I don't recall this
throwing an error before.  Am I missing something here?

aForm is just the name of the form in question and dynamicList1 is just a
select list.

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