[Javascript] Q on events

BEKIM BACAJ trojani2000 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 7 14:49:34 CDT 2003

>All well and good, but anyone have any idea why BACKSPACE does not fire off
>any of these events?
why would it!? why do you expect it would or should?

BckSpace can't fire any event, inside DOM, backspace is resereved (browser 
dependant) for window navigation historyback(-1), [not sure if it triggers 
any event except pageExit], you can check for this with adequate onpageexit 
event or document.onUnload =alert('something') [did not have time to check 
for proper syntax, but you will get a hint on what to look for]

and while focus inside the form, can't trigger reserved instruction (the 
history.Back()), it simply stays mute I guess!

>From: "Walter Torres" <walter at torres.ws>
>Reply-To: "[JavaScript List]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>To: "[JavaScript List]" <javascript at LaTech.edu>
>Subject: [Javascript] Q on events
>Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 00:46:22 -0500
>I have these event handlers defined...
>    objFormEle.onkeypress = setBar;
>    objFormEle.onkeydown  = setBar;
>    objFormEle.onkeyup    = setBar;
>Whenever that event happens in that Form Element, that method is fired.
>All well and good, but anyone have any idea why BACKSPACE does not fire off
>any of these events?
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