[Javascript] INCREDIBLE IE BUG!!!!

Dan Costea costea.dan at ssi-schaefer.ro
Sat Oct 11 07:50:05 CDT 2003

    Hi to all,

If I'm blind or dreaming, please, let me know, but, try this first:

It's easy to make the following sum in your head:  0.15 + 0.015 = 0.165 (OBVIOUS!)

TRY THIS IN YOUR IE 6 WITH SP1:  alert (0.15 + 0.015); you will obtain: 164999999999999998
alert (0.15 + 0.015 - 0.15 - 0.015);  - I think the result is obvious for any human, but not for IE, that will return: -1.3877787807814457e-17 (that indeed, is almost 0, but not realy 0...).

I still can't believe it! And of course, those are not special numbers. You can find many, many more (ex: 0.15+0.075, or 0.14+0.016) - I think the bug is in the cases that the sum of the last digit of each number is 10, and the number of digits representing the precision is different.

Dan Costea.
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