[Javascript] mailto link question.

Robert Wall bob at web-walrus.com
Thu Oct 16 21:05:29 CDT 2003

> You are looking for Perl. Here's the source code for my
> *couch*award-winning*coughyeahright* email sender that lets you send
> an email address from any email address! note that you need to change
> the perl path and the qmail, etc. you also need to have the cgi-lib
> module and a form with the fields: recip, cc, bcc, email, sender, sub
> which are Recipient, Carbon Copy, Blind Carbon Copy, Email Body, From
> line, Subject. in any order.

Looks like a nice script; however for a purpose such as this it's usually
best to utilize something that does referrer checking and such.  It really
sucks to have people from other websites use your script to send their
e-mail.  FormMail by Matthew Wright works quite well and is very
customizable - especially if you've already got some programming

Robert Wall						(715) 855-0189
Systems Administrator                                   bob at web-walrus.com
Web Walrus Media

            "Affordable internet solutions for your business"

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