[Javascript] www.quirksmode.org

Peter-Paul Koch gassinaumasis at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 30 06:15:08 CST 2003

>And did you try saving the page to disc yourself ? I tried saving the page
>in its frameset as well, with no luck. It seems to me that such a useful
>collection of work loses some of its value if people can't refer to it off
>line. Or do you want it to be a web-only collection, for those people lucky
>enough to have always-on broadband connections ?

It is a website. Its only official version is at http://www.qiurksmode.org . 
And no, I never try to save websites to disk, so I didn't try it. If you 
want to do that, go ahead, but please don't complain to me about your 
software not being up to the task.

Use the "No frames" link at the lower left corner to remove my frameset.

ppk, freelance web developer
Interaction, copywriting, JavaScript, integration
Column "Keep it Simple": http://www.digital-web.com/columns/keepitsimple/

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