[Javascript] ARGH! Help with Dates!

Dave Stoltz dstoltz at shh.org
Fri Jan 2 13:12:40 CST 2004

I am trying desperately to get the date in Javascript in EXACTLY this
format: 1/4/2004 5:45 PM 
This seems painfully difficult....I have the following 2 functions working,
except the month comes back as 0 all the time.
If the dropdown box called "Priority" is "Normal", I want to add 2 days to
the current date/time, and if Priority is "Emergency" I want to add 1 day to
the current date/time.
Here are my functions, why is the month coming back as 0 !!!!???
Thanks for any help!
<script language="javascript">
function addDays(myDate,days) {
     cDate = new Date(myDate.getTime() + days*24*60*60*1000);
     dy = cDate.getDate();
     mn = cDate.getMonth();
     y = cDate.getYear();
     h = cDate.getHours();
     m = cDate.getMinutes();
     s = cDate.getSeconds();
     nDate = mn + "/" + dy + "/" + y + " " + h + ":" + m + ":" + s;
     return nDate;
function setdueby(){
     var1 = form1.Priority.value;
     var2 = (addDays(new Date(),2));
     var3 = (addDays(new Date(),1));
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