[Javascript] Referencing javascript functions in other windows

Matt Barton javascript at mattbarton.org
Wed Jan 21 10:12:37 CST 2004


I'm having some difficulty access some javascript functions which are
declared in a popup object (i.e. created using the createPopup method.

I have a window which creates and shows a popup, with the content for the
popup being read from a file and inserted into the popup like this:

  <IE:Download ID=dwn STYLE="behavior:url(#default#download)" />
    var intPopupWidth = 300;
   function onBodyDone(src) {

   function showPopup() {
    oPopup.show(0, 0, intPopupWidth, 300, document.body);

   var oPopup = window.createPopup();
    <img src="menu.gif" onClick="showPopup ();">

Now: inside functions in the popup itself I can reference variables from the
parent window and call functions like this:

// ----
function fMakeWider (intDX) {
    window.parent.intPopupWidth += intDX;
    window.parent.oPopup.show (0, 0, window.parent.intPopupWidth, 300,
// ----

OK?  So now what I'm wanting to do is call a function which is declared in
the popup from the parent window.

// ----
function fGetDataFromPopup () {
    var someData = {reference to popup window goes here}.fGetSomeData();
// ----

I've tried a few different references to the popup window (including oPopup,
oPopup.document) but everythign I've tried gives a 'Yada, yada, yada is null
or not an object'.

Any ideas anyone? I'd be eternally greateful...


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