[Javascript] thousand separator

Paul Novitski paul at novitskisoftware.com
Thu Jun 3 14:01:21 CDT 2004

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "andy susanto" <andy78 at centrin.net.id>
> > is there any script that can formating number with thousand separator ?,

At 05:06 AM 6/3/2004, Shawn Milo wrote:
>while (someNum.match(/^(.*\d)(\d{3}(\.|,|$).*$)/)){
>   someNum = someNum.replace(/^(.*\d)(\d{3}(\.|,|$).*$)/, '$1,$2');


Your script had two problems I could see: it inserted thousand separators 
into digits following the decimal point, and the thousands- and 
decimal-separators were hard-coded.

Below is a version I cooked up that takes fixes the bug and allows for the 
programmer to pass thousands- & decimal-separators as optional arguments 
which are incorporated into the RegExp.

My logic contains one kludgey aspect you can probably help me clean up.  To 
make my RegExp work, I'm adding a temporary decimal delimiter to the 
integer portion of my number:
         var sInt = aParts[0] + sDec

I'm therefore searching for:
(one digit) followed by (three digits) followed by (either thou or dec)

This is because I couldn't make it work by testing for the thousands 
separator OR the end of string as you've done.  I've failed to get either 
of these patterns to work:

What am I missing there?


<script type="text/javascript">

function addCommas(argNum, argThouSeparator, argDecimalPoint)
         // default separator values (should resolve to local standard)
         var sThou = (argThouSeparator) ? argThouSeparator : ","
         var sDec = (argDecimalPoint) ? argDecimalPoint : "."

         // split the number into integer & fraction
         var aParts = argNum.split(sDec)

         // isolate the integer & add enforced decimal point
         var sInt = aParts[0] + sDec

         // tests for four consecutive digits followed by a thousands- or 
         var rTest = new RegExp("(\\d)(\\d{3}(\\" + sThou + "|\\" + sDec + 

         while (sInt.match(rTest))
                 // insert thousands-separator before the three digits
                 sInt = sInt.replace(rTest, "$1" + sThou + "$2")

         // plug the modified integer back in, removing the temporary 
decimal point
         aParts[0] = sInt.replace(sDec, "")

         // debug display
         document.write ("<tr>" +
                                 "<td>" + rTest.source + "</td>" +
                                 "<td>" + argNum + "</td>" +
                                 "<td>" + aParts.join(sDec) + "</td>" +

         // return the modified integer + decimal portion(s)
         return aParts.join(sDec)

// test it
document.write ("<table border=1>")

document.write ("<tr>" +
                 "<th>RegExp</th>" +
                 "<th>BEFORE</td>" +
                 "<th>AFTER</th>" +


// this final example passes the European standard separators
addCommas("1234567890,1234567890", ".", ",")

document.write ("</table>")


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