[Javascript] See if item is hidden...

Chris T christ at saeweb.com
Tue Jun 22 16:01:39 CDT 2004

> > Of course you could walk up the tree until you hit what would
> > be its parent.
> Yes, I had that thought as well. Just was not too sure on how to do
> that, and was hoping for a "clear" solution.

If the "parent" you're looking for would be the first DIV found up the tree,
then it would be REALLY simple.

Actually, I sent something to the list earlier today when I was discussing
getting an element's position and it will apply here. I've made a few
changes to illustrate:

  var objItem = document.getElementById("Pa21")
  // if it's ID is Pa21 - if not, use whatever
  var objParent = null
   { // Walk up our document tree until we find the DIV you want
    objParent = objItem.offsetParent.tagName
    objItem = objItem.offsetParent
  while(objParent != 'DIV')

Coming out of the loop, objItem would be the DIV you want and you should be
able to:


If it's not going to be the first DIV, then use some naming convention and
work off of that property instead of the tagName...

Hope that helps,

Chris Tifer

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