[Javascript] JavaScritpt simple compression code

Paul Novitski paul at novitskisoftware.com
Fri Feb 18 04:30:41 CST 2005

At 01:45 AM 2/18/2005, Eligio Morgado wrote:
>Kim, I use IIS.
>I have been doing some tests, and the code performs up to 90 fSend( )
>calls.It means that original text to send is 90 times bigger than max
>url length.
>So, if i can reduce, for example, 30% the original string, I will
>*only* perform 67 calls. Process will continue being very slow but...


What about this:  in JavaScript create a child window, write into it all 
the data you need to transmit to the server in a hidden form field, submit 
that form, and close the window.  No compression, but at least you could 
send everything in one go.


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